if (typeof LANG_ARRAY == "undefined") { var LANG_ARRAY = new Array(); } LANG_ARRAY["BLOCKED"] = "This user has blocked you."; LANG_ARRAY["FLAGGED_FOR_SPAM"] = "Your message has been flagged for spam and will not be sent."; LANG_ARRAY["MESSAGE_SENT"] = "Message Sent."; LANG_ARRAY["MUST_BE_LOGGED_IN"] = "You must be logged in to perform this action."; LANG_ARRAY["TAG_POSTED"] = "Tag posted. User must approve the tag before it shows up."; LANG_ARRAY["TAG_SUCCESSFUL"] = "Tag Successfully Posted."; LANG_ARRAY["TEST"] = "this is a test"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_DOESNT_EXIST"] = "User does not exist";