if (typeof LANG_ARRAY == "undefined") { var LANG_ARRAY = new Array(); } LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_ADMIN"] = "THE ADMINISTRATION PROFILE"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_ALREADY"] = "you've already rated this person"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_BLOCKED"] = "You are blocked from commenting on this profile. SUCKS FOR YOU"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_BOTHER"] = "DO NOT BOTHER"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_BOTHER2"] = "WITH SITE ISSUES SUCH AS:"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_CANNOTRATE"] = "You cannot rate yourself"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_CANNOT_RATE"] = "You cannot rate this person"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_CULT"] = "transferring cult ownership"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_DOWNRATER"] = "problems with ratings or downraters"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_EDIT_SIG"] = "Edit Signature"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_EMOTES"] = "Show Emotes"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_ERROR_RATING"] = "Error rating this user. Please report to admin"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_FORWARD"] = "Forward to username:"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_GOTO"] = "go to"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_HOT2"] = "Hot"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_ICON"] = "Icon:"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_INBOX"] = "Inbox comments will not show up in a user's profile, they will appear in their inbox."; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_LEAVE_COMMENT"] = "Leave comment for:"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_LEFT"] = "comment has been left."; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_MYINBOX"] = "go to my inbox"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_MYOUTBOX"] = "go to my outbox"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_MYPROFILE"] = "go to my profile"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_NOT_AGAIN"] = "you cannot rate them again"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_NUDITY"] = "reporting users for nudity"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_ONLINE"] = "online"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_OTHERS"] = "complaining about other users"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_PREMIUM"] = "transferring your premium membership"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_PREVIEW"] = "your comment will look like this:"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_PREVIEW2"] = "Preview"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_PROFILE"] = "'s profile"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_QUICKER"] = "you will get a much quicker response that way."; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_RATED"] = "You have rated"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_RATE_USER"] = "RATE THIS USER"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_REJECT"] = "Reject"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_REPLY"] = "reply"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_SEND_INBOX"] = "Send To Inbox (comments temporarily disabled)"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_SEND_INBOX2"] = "Send To Inbox (inbox temporarily disabled)"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_SEND_INBOX3"] = "Send To Inbox"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_SIG"] = "Include Signature"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_SITE"] = "any other site-related problems"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_SITE_ISSUES"] = "ANY SITE ISSUES SHOULD BE REPORTED TO:"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_SUBMIT"] = "submit comment"; LANG_ARRAY["USER_COMMENT_TITLE"] = "VampireFreaks.com - Send A Message";